This year’s Mothers’ day is going to be different from others. Social distancing restrictions are still on and we must hold on to the wish to celebrate mom like a queen. Yet, this does not mean you can’t celebrate your mom as she deserves.
You can’t replace quality time with material gifts, but there are so many other ways to keep in the good mood and make your mom feel special. To help you out with this mission, we came up with these 6 ways to celebrate mom during social distancing.
Matching buddies / Partners in crime
Check out your favorite online-shop and get 2 of the same. Meaning the same earrings, rings, or other jewelry pieces. Perhaps a nice pair of shoes or a cute and unique handbag. Send her one of them and keep the other. Include a note telling her that you would like to be matchy-matchy next time you see each other. Not only that, every time you and your mom wear it you will both think of each other.
A full belly is a happy belly
Send your mom something yummy. Also, consider what type of food she may like. If she’s not a picky person and she’s open to trying different things then you may want to take your chances with some Mexican food. Si señor!
You could also send a delicious box of pastries. Remember, any food is always welcome!
Join a virtual event together with other moms & daughters
Partner up with your mom and join a virtual event. Zoom parties are becoming super trendy and handy (in times like these). Invite your mom to register in any virtual party and have a great time. You can register to an Ay Amor Virtual Ladies Night on May 9th at 7 p.m. Mountain time. This is a nice way to meet other women, share some girl talk, and fancy a delicious glass of wine or any other drink you may like. As a bonus, there will be surprise prizes that can serve as a nice gift too. We bet this is going to be a whole new experience for your mom and something she will never forget.
Alternatively, you can also throw your own zoom party to celebrate your mom in a more intimate way.
Trivia challenge
Take some time to draft a questionnaire with funny questions to ask your mom. It could be something like “My daughter’s secrets” or “Things I didn’t know about my daughter”. Make it entertaining for her. The whole idea is to make her feel super special today as should be any other day.
Flowers on the cover
Books and flowers are gifts that can’t be out fashioned. What type of flowers does your mom like? If you don’t know, just ask her in a random conversation, and take note. Choose a book for your mom but consider a nice genre she may like. Easy as it sounds! Just send these two things together to your mom, she will be very happy with the thoughtful surprise.
Family frame
Choose a nice photo with your mom and frame it. Send it to her together with a handwritten letter. Remember our parents’ generation was used to handwritten letters. During their youth years, there was no internet as we know it. We’re pretty sure you are going to nail it with this sweet detail.
Today you may think it is hard to find a way to celebrate mom, but on the contrary, there are so many other ways to celebrate. It’s true that nothing could replace hugging your mom, but we need to see through the good out of this situation, be thankful, and happy with your life. Most importantly, be grateful that mom is still around.